Tuesday 1 May 2012

Experimenting can be fun... sort of.

On my second attempt, I chose to use this image just to experiment with as I liked how the subtle change and slow process of decay was evident in this flower.

Focusing the idea of decay and autumn, I wanted to place emphasis on the withered layers of petals underneath. Using the lasso tools I outlined the rose, making it a motif and slightly changed the colour of the rose.

Playing around with the effects, using the poster artistic filter and shadows I created this where most of the rose was in block colours, lacking detail and more like a cartoon - this contrasting the more detailed and real form of the dried out petals beneath. 
This next one is a similar attempt to draw attention the the bottom petals using the paint daub filter. While very pretty, I feel as though its too realistic for what I imagine a textiles print will look like. I do however particularly like the detail of the most front petal, drying and curled- its delicate nature and brittleness depicted well. 

This pencil effect I think is really interesting and effective. This is a effect I will consider - like its almost lineo block effect and the blended shades of colour coming through. 

This 'cut out ' effect of the rose is very similar to the poster effect. Something like this I feel is more suitable as a motif for a print. I particularly like the way the different tones of colour and clearly defined with this effect. 

I also played around with the neon effects and I love the results. I think its stunning and the detail of lines and colour within each petal is spectacular. I love the eerie and surreal  feeling it emanates. 

As much as I really like this motif I feel to create a pattern simply using this may be too simple so while I will keep this in mind- I will continue to experiment and generate other ideas.

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