Blogs have always been one of the many online past times that I secretly follow, read and refresh for updates - only silently. An invisible user. It's odd how I find myself knowing random fun facts about people/ users I never have and probably never will meet. But I guess it's about time no longer simply read from behind a laptop screen undetected by all and share bits and pieces of myself too. (They do say after all 'sharing is caring.')
Tea House @ White Rabbit |
So to start off - One of my favourite ('artsy-fartsy') places in Sydney is the White Rabbit Art Gallery. Seemingly dodge to get to but it is a truly incredible place that regularly closes and reopens for different collections with new acquisitions of contemporary Chinese art. I'm no fan/ expert to chinese art but I am intrigued by the many artists show cased and their commentaries of deeply entrenched social issues. And whats more - they have an awesome tea house to sit and chat (: Anyway, thats about it for now. ( if interested.)
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