Monday 12 March 2012


When scanning images, it a good idea to thinking ahead and consider the end use of the image. Different end uses determine the different resolutions images should be scanned at.

As a general guide there are 3 main resolutions used for different outcomes
-approx. 300 dpi is ideal for good quality images, larger in size and for commercial prints in books, magazines and billboards

- 150 to 200 dpi is a good resolution for digital prints both laser and inkjet.

- while 72-96 dpi is appropriate for purposes such as email attachments, web images and power points. This is because the size it is view at in comparatively smaller and does require an extremely high picture quality.

               scanned at 249 dpi                                   /                                        scanned at 157 dpi

 while the differences in the above scanned images in different settings seem subtle, when enlarged the difference becomes much more evident   

         scanned at  79   dpi 

To post (edited) images from photoshop the file should be saved as "for webs and device". This saves change the working file, rather saves the image visible on screen and is a good way to document various changes / processes.


examples of scanned patterned fabrics then adjusted in photoshop

scans of various objects: before and after adjustments 



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