Setting out again to take search for something different I cam across this leaf and liked its imperfections- its many holes giving it a sort of decaying look.
From this it occured to me that I could turn my attention to withered and decaying plants and flowers.
I particularly like the way this rose is withering and browning from the bottom and how the petals shrivel.
I like how these plants give the feeling of being frosty or covered in snow.
I also like the visual effect of the differnet flower petals scattered within the grass
After this I became a little side tracked and had the idea of doing something with dandelion - something soft, light and whimsical. I attempted to get shots of individual small pollen like fluff in the air but was unsuccesful
I also came across a lizard and managed to capture a few photos of it. I considered it however decided it probably couldn't stand as a concept by itself
I like the pattern on these tree branches and the colour tones.
I came across these fallen, withering petals mixed with dead leaves on the ground and fell in love with the beautiful colours.
I found the petals trapped in the gutter underneath the metal had an interesting visual effec